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Sleep Problems Common in Psoriasis and Related Comorbidities

Itching, pain, and other symptoms can lead to sleep problems when you have psoriasis. When you are unable to get a good night’s sleep regularly, this can have effects on your body physically and mentally. In fact, poor sleep quality can raise your risk of having other diseases or conditions that can occur with psoriasis, known as comorbidities. Improving your sleep quality and finding effective psoriasis treatments can help you reduce your risk of these comorbidities.

Common Sleep Problems with Psoriasis

Sleep problems are a common occurrence in people who have psoriasis. A study published in Reumatologia found that 57.7 percent of patients with psoriasis suffered from poor sleep quality. This was mostly due to skin symptoms that occur with this disease, including itching. Persistent or severe itching can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. 

Those who have psoriasis also tend to have a higher risk of obstructive sleep apnea. A review of research studies published in Sleep Medicine Reviews found that roughly 36 to 81 percent of patients with psoriasis had obstructive sleep apnea compared to 2 to 4 percent of the general population. 

The risk of restless leg syndrome, which can affect sleep quality, is also slightly higher in those who have psoriasis. The same review in Sleep Medicine Reviews found that between 15 and 18 percent of patients with psoriasis had this condition compared to between 5 and 10 percent of the general population in Europe and North America. 

Sleep and Related Comorbidities 

Sleep problems associated with psoriasis can have a significant impact on your health overall. Poor sleep quality, especially over a long period of time, can increase your risk of having related comorbidities. These comorbidities, which include metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes, can lead to serious health complications when they are left untreated.  

For example, sleep apnea is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, including stroke and heart attacks. The pauses in breathing that occur with this disorder raise your blood pressure, which can end up increasing your blood pressure overall.

A lack of sleep and poor sleep quality are associated with a higher risk of obesity, which raises your risk of diabetes and other health issues. This increased risk occurs due to changes in your hormone levels that affect your appetite. Not getting enough sleep can increase your appetite, which can cause you to eat more food or eat unhealthy foods and gain weight. 

Strategies to Cope with Sleep Issues and Challenges

Manage Sleep Apnea

With sleep apnea being a common problem for those with psoriasis, managing this condition should improve your sleep quality. Treatment for obstructive sleep apnea might include using a CPAP machine that prevents breathing pauses while you’re asleep. Lifestyle changes, such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, and avoiding sleeping on your back, are other ways to manage sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is associated with a higher risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other comorbidities that can occur with psoriasis. Treating sleep apnea and managing psoriasis can lower your risk of these related comorbidities overall.

Improve Your Sleep Habits 

Having good sleep habits can help you get restful sleep night after night. When you improve your sleep quality and ensure that you’re getting enough sleep, this can help ease psoriasis symptoms and reduce your risk of comorbidities. The following sleep habits are effective at helping you fall asleep and stay asleep during the night:

  • Keep your room dark. Light from your TV or a mobile device or lights from outside your window can make it harder to fall asleep. If you get up during the night, use a nightlight or flashlight rather than turning on lamps or overhead lights. 
  • Keep your room cool. A warm or hot room is harder to sleep comfortably in. Maintain a cooler temperature with help from air conditioning or fans. 
  • Keep your room quiet. Noise can distract you and make it difficult to go to sleep. Turn off your TV, music, or other sources of noise when you go to bed. 
  • Maintain the same times for going to bed and waking up. Regular bedtimes and wakeup times help your body get into a sleep routine. 
  • Avoid caffeine close to bedtime. Do not have coffee or other beverages and foods that have caffeine if it’s getting close to your bedtime.
  • Avoid distractions at bedtime. Stay off your mobile device and shut your TV off when you get in bed. This helps your brain settle down for the night, so that you can fall asleep.

Consider Natural Remedies for Psoriasis

Although a cure for psoriasis has not yet been developed, there are ways to keep this disease under control, so that you can improve your sleep and lower the risk of comorbidities. Prosoria™ is a psoriasis treatment containing natural ingredients that helps hydrate your skin and relieve itching, redness and scaling. This lotion can also help you maintain healthier skin while managing psoriasis holistically. With healthier skin and itching relief for psoriasis, you can look forward to enjoying a good night’s sleep on a regular basis. Turmeric is also an effective remedy for psoriasis. With it' potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, it can also improve psoriasis symptoms. Use an effective turmeric supplement such as Nuvothera's Super-Micronized Turmeric for maximum results. 

If you already have a comorbidity, keep in mind that getting plenty of high-quality sleep helps you manage these conditions. Using natural remedies for psoriasis, such as Prosoria™, can help you sleep better, so that you can keep symptoms of comorbidities under control. 

If you’re looking for the best natural remedies for psoriasis and would like to know more about Prosoria, including how it works, please visit us at or contact us at 1-833-776-7483. We can provide you with information on plaque psoriasis treatment options to help you boost your sleep quality.