You have psoriasis. What now?
If you’ve just learned you have psoriasis, you’re probably still getting over the shock. You’re scouring the internet to find out as much info as possible.
What causes it?… Is it contagious?… How do I get rid of it?… Is there any pill I can take to make this disappear… PLEASE?!
Next, you head to the drugstore. You’re looking at all the products wondering which is best. You check out their claims, ingredients, and reviews. But it’s confusing.
Maybe you’re really looking for solid research so you research the National Psoriasis Foundation. You read the wealth of information available on their site to learn even more.
You join Facebook groups, read blogs, find a support group, and ultimately end up with a hodgepodge of research — but what’s trustworthy and what’s not?
Here are some tips for finding the most reliable psoriasis resources out there:
- 1. Look for companies with clinical studies that show the product’s results. Find before-and-after pictures, look for irritation and sensitization results, and see if there are dermatologist-tested allergy studies.
- 2. Talk to other people that have psoriasis. Ask them about the products they’ve tried and what worked for them.
- 3. Remember that everyone is different. It may take some trial and error to find the best treatment for you.
That last point is extremely important – and if you’ve been dealing with psoriasis for a while, you’ve been there. You know that not all over-the-counter psoriasis creams work like they claim. You know it’s a tough disease to keep under control.
You’ve gone through the struggle of trying new treatments. You find something that looks interesting and get excited about the next new treatment. You begin with high hopes that this will be the one that works for you. Then, just like the other times, the product falls short and you feel defeated once again by your psoriasis.
But there’s a reason most of these treatments fail to produce the results you want and need.
Why OTC Psoriasis Creams Don't Work
Over-the-counter treatments are a great idea. They’re typically more cost-effective than a prescription, they’re safer for long-term use, and they’re easier to access – but most don’t work.
Here’s why:
1. They Don’t Treat All the Symptoms
Psoriasis is not a simple condition. It’s multifactoral — meaning it has multiple symptoms such as scaling, flaking, redness, itching, pain, cracked skin, and irritation. Creams don’t typically treat all of those symptoms. Maybe it helps with redness, but not with the itching. Maybe it moisturizes the skin but doesn’t calm inflammation. Targeting any one of these symptoms won’t effectively treat the entire condition.
2. They Require Multiple Applications… Per Day!
You also have to apply creams multiple types per day. That’s tough for most of us because of our busy schedules. We forget to apply the medication while we’re at work or running our errands.
No big deal, right? Well, if you don’t apply the creams as directed, they won’t work effectively. It’s better to find a treatment designed to be given once a day so you improve your chances of using it as directed.
3. You Stop Using It Too Soon
Stopping your treatment too soon is a big reason why you don’t get the results you want. The National Psoriasis Foundation suggests you continue your treatment at least three months before evaluating your results. The goal is to have 75% improvement in three months. It may take up to six months to achieve the results you are looking for.
4. Psoriasis Is Difficult to Treat
Psoriasis is not an easy condition to control, especially after a significant flare-up. The inflammation usually starts before you see the plaque forming. You may even feel the itchy feeling begin where the plaque will eventually form.
It took a while for the inflammation on your skin to fully develop, and it will take a while for the inflammation to subside. Often, people don’t see much improvement in the first month or two. But once the inflammation is under control, the psoriasis symptoms begin to improve faster. A daily skin treatment routine is the most helpful way to manage psoriasis.
How to Get Lasting Results from Psoriasis Treatment
Lasting results are possible. Whether you use Prosoria or try another non-prescription treatment, here’s how to get the most out of it.
1. Apply as many times as directed.
A once-daily formulation is ideal. You can also break up the treatment into a day and night routine that seems to fit better into a regular routine. Make it a habit, just like brushing your teeth.
Some routines we dread. (Not many people really like flossing.) Other routines we enjoy. Our teeth feel good after we brush them. Our face feels fresh after we wash it. Prosoria will be one of those routines you like. We've created it to feel silky and light. Plus, it’s fragrance-free and easy to apply. This definitely doesn’t feel like a medication regimen.
2. Apply daily.
We all have off-days. But the more regularly you use a product, the better it works. If you can use it every day, it'll work faster.
If you don’t use it very often, it won’t work well and the places that improved may begin to deteriorate again.
3. Use daily for 3+ months.
Use your treatment long enough for it to work. If you stop using the treatment before three months have passed, you may be disappointed with the results.
4. Use treatments directed at multiple symptoms.
Use treatments that combine products to treat the key symptoms. You want to make sure you hydrate your skin, exfoliate the dead skin cells, treat the affected areas with ingredients that relieve redness, scaling, flaking, itching, and irritation, and moisturize the skin daily to seal in moisture and help your skin recover faster.
5. Don’t stop the treatment — even if your skin looks better.
Once you begin to get your psoriasis under control, don’t stop your treatment. At this stage, it doesn’t take much work to keep the inflammation down and see the skin continually improve. In the maintenance stage, it’s easier to get results compared to the first two months.
6. Get in a skincare routine.
Develop a skincare routine and treat your psoriasis daily. You will be rewarded with better results, and your skin will love you for it.
The Real Reason Most Psoriasis Creams Don't Work
The main reason most psoriasis creams fail to work is that psoriasis is a multifactorial disease that needs a multifactorial treatment. One cream simply can’t pack the punch needed to eradicate psoriasis.
Up until now, there hasn’t been an all-in-one system to help you combat all the symptoms. You’ve been left on your own to go find a decent OTC combination of products — but you haven’t had the guidance you need. Consequently, it’s a hit-and-miss game — some symptoms get better, others get worse, and psoriasis continues.
We've created Prosoria to bring you a solution that takes the guesswork out of non-prescription psoriasis treatments. With consistency and time, you'll start to see clear skin once again.