Turmeric Uses: Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant
Turmeric (curcuma longo or curcuma domestica), also known as turmeric root, is related to ginger and grown throughout India, Asia and Central America. It has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine used as a joint pain supplement, and to treat rheumatism and respiratory problems for centuries. It’s also well known in Indian and Asian cuisine and is an important ingredient in flavorful curry dishes.
Fresh turmeric root looks like finger-sized golden-yellow carrots on the inside, and looks similar to ginger root on the outside. It is more familiar to most Americans in its dried and ground form. Turmeric may be found in your grocery store’s spice aisle just as easily as it is found in the vitamins and supplements aisle. It can be ingested in capsules, as a tea and sprinkled onto food like any other spice.
The distinctive golden powder is rich in curcuminoids which are potent antioxidants. Turmeric is especially rich in curcumin which has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties according to Mayo Clinic. In correct doses it is considered safe for treating chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes and pain related to chronic inflammation.
Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Turmeric
Many studies indicate that chronic, low grade inflammation is a key factor behind chronic conditions. Chronic inflammation can cause joints to swell and become painful. It can be destructive at the cellular level, harming arteries and organs and contribute to a variety of other chronic health issues. Some of the disorders related to chronic inflammation include:
- • Alzheimer’s
- • Diabetes
- • Heart disease
- • Inflammatory bowel disease
- • Lupus
- • Psoriasis
- • Rheumatoid arthritis
In addition, Aging, obesity, dietary considerations, smoking, stress and poor sleep put you at a higher risk for developing chronic inflammation.
Turmeric: Helps Chronic Inflammatory Conditions and Inflammatory Pain
There is growing scientific evidence to support the use of turmeric as an anti-inflammatory supplement and joint pain remedy. Studies show that curcuminoids found in turmeric may help in a number of conditions including:
- • Reduce heart attacks in post-surgical bypass patients
- • Match ibuprofen in effectiveness for controlling pain from osteoarthritis in the knee
- • Lessen skin irritation in breast cancer patients going through radiation treatment
- • May help treat colon and prostate cancer
- • Eases surgical pain
- • Used as a plaque reducing additive in mouthwash
- • Helps treat diabetes and colitis
- • Helps treat irritable bowel disease
- • Helps reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.
While many people with chronic pain are prescribed anti-inflammatory medications to relieve symptoms, long term use is not safe due to side effects on the immune system, kidney and liver, as well as cardiovascular and gastrointestinal complications. Herbal therapies like turmeric provide an ideal way to supplement those medications without the harmful side effects.
Turmeric may be best known as a natural joint pain remedy supplement that aids in reducing inflammation related to arthritis and repetitive-use injuries. Studies have shown that patients diagnosed with conditions caused by inflammation such as osteoarthritis, have seen improvement in pain, overall function and quality of life when using turmeric supplement. The Arthritis Foundation recommends turmeric for treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). It is widely recognized and accepted within the medical community as an effective pain management tool. In fact, many doctors are now recommending turmeric to their patients.
Turmeric Recommended Dosage
No supplement can be effective if you’re not taking the right dosage. Turmeric is safe and has a good safety profile when taken correctly. How much turmeric do you need to take? Speaking with your healthcare professional is the best way to determine if turmeric can help your condition and the most effective dosage.
There is no official recommended turmeric dosage to get the full health benefits. However, most studies show that taking 500 to 2,000 milligrams per day of turmeric extract could be beneficial. It’s best to start with a lower dosage and work up gradually to assess tolerance and reduce risk of any side effects. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that 1.4 mg per pound of body weight an acceptable daily intake. Typically, two to three 500mg capsules a day of a standardized supplement like Nuvothera’s Super Micronized Turmeric Curcumin is recommended to achieve effective results
Turmeric Safety Precautions
It is always important to discuss taking dietary supplements with your healthcare provider and to follow medical advice. Turmeric has been found safe to take and it has GRAS (“generally recognized as safe”) status by the FDA when taken in amounts tested for health purposes. In high doses turmeric may cause nausea and digestive issues. Turmeric is not suitable for those who are pregnant or taking anticoagulants or blood thinners such as Warfarin.
Choosing the Right Turmeric Supplement
If you want a safe, effective, natural supplement for managing inflammation and joint pain, then turmeric may be right for you. Not all turmeric is the same. It needs to be well absorbed to be an effective joint pain remedy. It’s important to check the label and look for proof of maximum absorption and maximum potency. Turmeric root extract is the most potent form of turmeric supplement.
Maximum potency turmeric such as Nuvothera Super-Micronized Turmeric Curcumin is a natural and safe anti-inflammatory to help manage chronic pain such as joint pain. It’s super-micronized, so it’s water soluble and is rapidly absorbed in the body for maximum potency. There is no need for chemical absorption enhancers or black pepper. In clinical studies, Nuvothera Super-Micronized Turmeric Curcumin was shown to be more than 100 times more anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and free radical scavenging than leading competitors***. These more effective brands are often found on company websites or on Amazon.