Turmeric Supplement Helps Fight Acne
11 Nov 20

Bright red, swollen, and inflamed blemishes appear on the skin when you suffer from acne. These blemishes, while they may not directly impact your physical health, can cause other problems that affect your mental and emotional well-being. Blemishes that occur from chronic acne or the occasional breakout, if left ignored and untreated, can cause scarring that leaves you feeling embarrassed, ashamed, self-conscious, or depressed.
Turmeric, a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, can improve the health of your skin so you experience fewer acne outbreaks. Discover how anyone who suffers from acne, whether it is chronic or a sporadic occasional breakout, could benefit by adding a natural turmeric supplement to their daily routine.
Exploring How Turmeric Helps the Skin
Is turmeric good for the skin? Yes, but if taken properly. The turmeric must be ingested. Not applied as a topical cream or face mask.
It might be tempting to use the turmeric you find in the spice aisle at the grocery store to help improve your skin, it won’t work. The spice form of turmeric is designed to add flavoring to your food or beverages. It does not have the strength or the potency needed to see improvements to your skin.
If you want to improve the health of your skin with the use of turmeric, you will want to take a natural supplement. The turmeric in a natural supplement is strong enough and potent enough for you to receive its full benefits.
Examples of How Turmeric Helps the Skin
You may be wondering how is turmeric good for skin? The following are examples of how exactly your skin benefits from ingesting turmeric as a natural supplement.
Some of the ways turmeric helps your skin includes:
Stimulates the natural production of collagen – your skin relies upon collagen to appear suppler and firmer. Stimulating the natural production of collagen can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines while also giving your skin a healthy glow.
Reduces harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays – turmeric can help reduce damage caused by UV rays from the sun. This is done mostly by slowing down or preventing the UV rays from breaking down the skin’s natural production of collagen.
Minimizes damage to healthy skin cells – turmeric has antioxidant qualities that help your skin by fighting free radicals. Damage to the skin caused by free radicals can cause signs of premature aging such as wrinkles and fine lines.
Soothes chronic inflammation with its anti-inflammatory antioxidant properties - a number of skin problems, ranging from rashes and blemishes to redness and swelling is caused by inflammation. The antioxidant properties of turmeric can soothe inflammation which will improve the appearance of your skin.
Taking a Closer Look at Acne
Your skin may appear smooth, but it actually has tiny little openings known as pores. These small openings, which are connected to hair follicles, allow oil and sweat to escape. If the oil and sweat wasn’t able to be released, the health of your skin would be at risk because of the buildup of toxins. Overheating is also a concern if oil and sweat cannot be released as your pores help regulate your body temperature by cooling you off.
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that specifically targets the oil glands and pores of the skin. It can be caused by increased sebum (an oily substance) production, overgrowth of microbial bacteria, follicular occlusion (blockage of hair follicles with keratin), and inflammation.
People who suffer from acne typically experience one or more of the following symptoms:
Redness around the pores
Pus-filled bumps which appear either beneath the skin
Swelling or tenderness near a plugged pore
Acne can happen anywhere on the body. However, it commonly develops on the face, back, and neck.
Development of pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads
Can Turmeric Help with Acne?
Turmeric can help with acne because it contains an active ingredient known as curcumin. Curcumin is an extremely potent natural anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial. The unique qualities and properties of curcumin allow turmeric to help with acne.
Some of the specific ways that turmeric helps with acne include:
Nourishing the skin
Decreasing the growth of “bad” bacteria, known as microbial, that causes acne
Slows down or decreases sebum production
Soothes the skin by reducing inflammation and irritation
Fights free radicals that can cause damage to the skin
Can Turmeric Cure Acne?
Acne is an on-going skin condition that you will experience each and every time your pores or oil glands become clogged. Turmeric can help dramatically reduce the number of breakouts you experience and even help improve the appearance of your skin. However, it is not intended to completely cure acne. Instead, think of it more as an aide to helping you improve the appearance and health of your skin.
Is Turmeric Good for Cystic Acne?
Turmeric works best for individuals who suffer from inflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne is caused by a combination of clogged pores and bacteria. People who experience inflammatory acne usually develop red, swollen pimples that may contain a small white pocket of pus.
Cystic acne is a type of inflammatory acne. Turmeric helps reduce the appearance of the red, swollen pimples and cysts that develop with mild to moderate cases of cystic acne. For severe cases of cystic acne, turmeric may be able to relieve some of the pain and discomfort, but more intense care from a healthcare professional, such as a general doctor or dermatologist, may be needed in order to eliminate the redness, swelling, and inflammation.
How Long Does it Take for Turmeric to Work on Acne?
It is difficult to determine how long it will take for turmeric to work when taken for acne. It is difficult to give a time estimate because so many different factors, such as type and severity of your acne, cause of the acne, and body’s natural ability to absorb and process turmeric, will affect how long it takes for you to see results.
How Do You Use Turmeric for Acne?
It is recommended that you take a daily natural turmeric supplement if you are trying to reduce inflammation and irritation caused by acne. It is important that you take a natural turmeric supplement for acne that has both maximum potency and maximum absorption.
Combine Turmeric Supplement With Topical Treatment for Best Results
It is important to treat acne from both the inside and outside if you wish to see the best results. This can be done by combining a natural turmeric supplement with a topical treatment, such as retinoids or benzoyl peroxide (BPO). The natural turmeric supplement helps address inflammation that is caused internally while the topical treatment options help inflammation that occurs on the surface of the skin.
Find the Best Supplement for Acne
There are dozens of different supplements for acne that are available, but which one is the best? Nuvothera’s Super-Micronized Turmeric Curcumin Supplement is the best supplement for acne.
When you take Nuvothera Turmeric for acne, you know that you are consuming a supplement that is all natural. It doesn’t contain any ingredients, such as chemical absorption enhancers or black pepper, which can cause adverse or uncomfortable side effects.
Another quality that is unique to Nuvothera’s Super-Micronized Turmeric Curcumin Supplement is that it is water soluble. Its water-soluble nature helps your body with absorption. With the enhanced absorption of the Nuvothera Turmeric you are getting the maximum potency of turmeric you need to see the best results.
Tired of dealing with painful, uncomfortable, or unsightly acne? Add Nuvothera’s Super-Micronized Turmeric Curcumin Supplement to your daily routine and watch as the red, swollen, painful red pimples and blemishes disappear.